AWP 2020 UPDATE: San Antonio, Texas
Hey Everyone!
We were so incredibly stoked to attend AWP 20 this year located in San Antonio, Texas. So, it is with great sadness that we annouce that we have cancelled our trip. After reading the update from AWP and learning of the Corona Virus threat in San Antonio, we decided it was best to play it safe. I have two small children and had to make the tough call.
As many small presses have expressed, making this decision definitely means a blow to finances. We were going to be sharing a booth with Writer’s Atelier/Black Fox Literary Magazine. If you are participating in the virtual book fair, we certainly would love a little support. In return, we are offering 20% off of any product! Use code AWP20 until Sunday, March 8, 2020, at 11:59 PM! Below are the products and services we had hoped to have available at this year’s conference:
- Literary Card Collection by Writer’s Atelier and Pretty Peacock Paperie (Literary Gifts)
- Select greeting cards from Pretty Peacock Paperie
- Copies of Black Fox Literary Magazine (Find submission info on our site!)
- Copies of The Complete Revision Workbook for Writers by Arielle Haughee (published by Writer’s Atelier Books)
- Copies of The Writer’s Atelier Little Book of Writing Affirmations by Racquel Henry (published by Writer’s Atelier Books)
- Holiday on Park (novelette published by Writer’s Atelier founder Racquel Henry)
- Writerly Gifts by Writer’s Atelier
- The Write Gym Membership (Online accountability program by Writer’s Atelier)
- Awareness of Writer’s Atelier’s new podcast The Write Mindset (FREE!)
Please note: Charges will appear from either Writer’s Atelier or Pretty Peacock Paperie.
Thank you all in advance for your support! If you have any questions, please email!

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